Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Why I am Offering Thanksgiving to God?

Offering thanksgiving to God is not same as proposing to someone. Well, when somebody likes someone, he or she wants to give the best material things that the world could offer. That is human nature! Sometimes people are spending and wasting so much money just to please their love ones. My God who created everything does not need any tangible things from anyone.

I thought being nice to my fellowmen and doing good works are enough to please my Lord Almighty. As long as I am not hurting anyone, God will be happy. But I was wrong! I was totally wrong! I really feel shame because I know in myself that I am nothing but He still believes in me. Thanksgiving to God is the least that I could do to repay not all but at least some of my debts I owe to Him.

Since I was young I know that God has been always there beside me. I was just really numb so I have not noticed. I am not given the chance to meet my biological father but He gave me a very kind step-dad. In addition to that, He gave me also playmates to ease my lonesome. I have siblings whom I spent my childhood life. I have a loving mother who did everything to support me. I have friends whom I made my teenage and adolescence memories. At my young age He gave me husband whom I will spend the rest of my life. And I received two additional gifts, my kids, who give me pleasures all the time.

I am getting inspirational Bible verse and inspirational Bible quote every time I read the Holy book. I feel closer to Him. I feel safe because I can fight temptations with the help of God. One of my favorite verse in the Bible which makes me stronger is shown below;

Thanksgiving to God
Philippians 4:6
God almighty is not asking us to give our full time to Him. Only by honest and humble prayers for our every requests is enough for Him to understand us.

I am thanking God also that I met Bro. Eliseo Soriano. Actually, he is one of the reason why I become religious person now. He helped me a lot to understand the mysteries written in the Bible. He taught me and still teaching to praise God. He made thanksgiving quotes to God that really inspire me.

Thanksgiving to God
Bro. Eliseo Soriano: Thanksgiving quotes to God
There are so many reason that we should be thankful to God. He knows what is best for each of us. If only all of us would understand and feel the love of God, we have so many reasons to offer thanksgiving to God!



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